Most Common Asthma Triggers Asthma

What are the Most Common Asthma Triggers


Asthma triggers should not be confused with causes of asthma which are not exactly known. Exposure to triggers which greatly vary from person to person provokes an asthma attack or worsens the symptoms of asthma. For that reason successful asthma treatment requires identification and avoidance of triggers. Asthma triggers are identified with one or more […]

Asthma in Children Symptoms Asthma

Asthma in Children Symptoms


Asthma can affect everyone at any age but it most commonly occurs in childhood. Even more, asthma has become the most common chronic disease in children. Childhood asthma is characterized by inflamed and constricted airways, like the adult asthma. Like the latter, childhood asthma cannot be cured but can be successfully treated. The first signs […]

Asthma Long and Short Term Effects Asthma Blog

Asthma Medication Long and Short Term Effects


Asthma cannot be cured nor successfully controlled only with trigger avoidance. People suffering from asthma usually need to take one or several asthma medications depending from case to case. Asthma medications can be generally divided into long-term-control medications and quick-relief medications for asthma. The first are used to prevent asthma attacks, while the second group […]

Home Remedies asthma Asthma Blog

Asthma Home Remedies – Alternative Asthma Treatment


Asthma control commonly requires treatment with asthma medications but severity and frequency of the asthma symptoms mostly depend on patient’s willingness to take more responsibility for their health. In addition to asthma medications it is highly important to avoid or eliminate asthma triggers even if it means giving your pet up for adoption. Besides the […]

Asthma Inhalers Asthma Blog

Asthma Inhalers – Types of Asthma Inhalers


Asthma medications are commonly taken with inhalers, devices which deliver a specific dose of medication directly in the lungs to prevent or relieve an asthma attack. There are two basic types of asthma inhalers. Which one to choose greatly depends on prescribed medication – some medications are available only with certain type of inhaler, the […]

Symptoms Severity and Frequency of Asthma Attacks Asthma Blog

Symptoms, Severity and Frequency of Asthma Attacks


When the airways in the lung are constricted and inflamed commonly when being exposed to triggers a patient gets an asthma attack: wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, chest tightness or pain, and increased expiratory and pulse rate. Symptoms, severity and frequency of asthma attacks greatly vary from patient to patient ranging from mild wheezing to […]

Asthma Genetic and environmental risk factors 1 Asthma Blog

How to Properly Control Asthma


There is no cure for asthma but it is highly important to treat it as soon as possible. Asthma treatment greatly varies from person to person and severity of asthma but it always features trigger avoidance and taking one or several asthma medications. It is always better to prevent than to cure and that is […]

Asthma Genetic and environmental risk factors Asthma Blog

Asthma Causes – Genetic and environmental risk factors


Unlike triggers which provoke the asthma attack, asthma causes are not exactly known. However, due to the fact that asthma is prevalent in the developed countries – 7% of the population of the United States suffer from asthma some theories are more probable than the others. Factors which might be the main causes are generally […]

Definition OF Asthma Asthma Blog

What is the Definition of Asthma


Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease which affects 7% of population of the United States of both genders and all ages. It is characterized by inflammation and constriction of the airways in the lungs (bronchi) which cause asthma attacks severity of which ranges from minor wheezing to severe asthma attacks which may lead to respiratory […]

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Asthma Blog

The Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Asthma


Asthma affects millions of people worldwide, while asthma prevalence is greater in the developed countries. It is characterized by asthma attacks severity of which greatly varies from person to person. People with milder form of asthma have mild asthma attacks such as occasional wheezing and function completely normally between the asthma episodes, while people suffering […]