Pregnancy Signs Blog Pregnancy

Pregnancy Signs: Morning Sickness


Missing period is the most obvious one of the early pregnancy signs and it crosses each woman’s mind whenmissing a period. Early pregnancy is often accompanied with other symptoms which are very uncertain and aren’t completely unique to pregnancy. Even missing period doesn’t essentially mean you are carrying a kid. If you have done a […]

Physical Activity During Pregnancy Blog Pregnancy

Benefits of Adequate Physical Activity During Pregnancy


It is probably not necessarily to mention that you should avoid lifting and carrying heavy objects and give up extreme sports during pregnancy. However, that does not mean you just have to rest and sit around all 9 months. On the contrary, light to moderate exercise is recommended for general health and well-being of both […]

Weight Control During Pregnancy Blog Pregnancy

How to Weight Control During Pregnancy


Weight gain during pregnancy is completely normal and is inevitable. Developing baby requires increased caloric intake but that does not mean you have to eat for two. On the contrary, pregnant women should eat normally and prevent excessive pregnancy weight gain which might be a great problem after childbirth. There is virtually no time for […]

Experiences During Pregnancy Blog Pregnancy

Less Pleasant Experiences During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is an unique experience which might not be always pleasant. You might experience different unpleasant or perhaps even painful physiological changes which can be avoided or reduced if following a healthy pregnancy guide. Lets see which are the most common pregnancy complaints. Excessive weight gain is one of the most common pregnancy complaints and […]

Pregnancy Tests Blog Pregnancy

How to Take Home Pregnancy Tests


Missing period is the most obvious sign of pregnancy and it crosses every woman’s mind when “being late”. Early pregnancy is often accompanied with other symptoms which are very unspecific and are not unique to pregnancy. Even missing period does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. However, if you are missing period and if there […]

Symptoms of Early Pregnancy Blog Pregnancy

Most Common Symptoms of Early Pregnancy


Is your period late and you suspect or hope you might be pregnant? There are several symptoms (in addition to missed period) which might occur in early pregnancy although a pregnancy test is the best way to make sure whether you are pregnant or not. The most common signs of early pregnancy are swollen and […]

Twin Pregnancy Blog Pregnancy

Twin Pregnancy – Being Pregnant with Twins


Are you expecting twins? If so, you are among the fortunate 2% pregnant women who were “blessed” twice. Twin pregnancy is very rare and according to the statistics roughly 2% of all births in the world are twins, while twin pregnancy happens to three in every 100 pregnant women in the United States. However, double […]